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지도교수 김덕환
Advisor Deok-Hwan Kim

Tel: +82-32-860-7424

​교수 홈페이지( Professor Home Page) : 

Prof. Deok-Hwan Kim received his Ph.D. degree from Korea Advanced Institute of Technology, Daejon, Korea, in February 2003. From January 2004 to August 2005, he was a postdoc research staff at the Arizona, Tucson, United States of AmericaSince March 2006, he has been with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, where he is a full professor. From March 1987 to February 1997, he was a senior engineer at LG electronics Research Laboratories, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. His research interests include the joint area of operating systems, computer architecture, embedded systems, and artificial intelligence, including Biosensing HCI, IoT, edge computing, cloud computing, storage systems, Flash memory control, and deep learning for those applications. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of the ACM. He serves at TG10 and PG 1003 for standardization activities and served as a president of Korean Next Generation Computing Institute at 2021.

- 1983-03-01 ~ 1987-02-26 Seoul National University | Computer Science & Statistics
- 1993-03-01 ~ 1995-08-31 KAIST | Computer Science
- 1996-09-01 ~ 2003-02-21 KAIST | Computer Science

- 2006-Present            Professor, INHA UNIVERSITY
- 2006-Present            IEEE, KIISE, IEEK, SIGFAST, KINGPC members
- 2003-12-28 ~ 2004-12-27 University Of Arizona | Pos-Doc Researcher
- 1987-03-01 ~ 1997-02-28 LG Electronics Telecommunication R&D | Senior Engineer

- Embedded System & Real-time Systems
- BioMedical Systems & Medical Equipment
- Intelligent Cloud Storage/NVRAMOS
- Robot Control&Internet of Things
- Mobile Edge Computing for Connected Car  



Research Area
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